
Exposing Amway Globals Business Model

1st, you redirect your buying power. Be your best customer.2nd for those who don't want to take advantage of this opportunity, you retail some products to them. They call it the Nike Affect. Let me break it down, Micheal Jordan would not be caught dead in Pumas cause they dont pay him dollars, but Nike is.3rd Then sponsoring people to do the same two things. This is called a balanced business and it is one of the most important things. They give you your money back is you dont like the items you buy. If I share this with others they give them the same deal, plus I get a % of the profit. 92% of people who have a balanced business renew every single year in this thing.They also have an automatic replenishing system called "Ditto Delivery". It's like a spreadsheet online that helps you keep track what you want, when you want it and how often. Months are lined up across the top. All of you purchases get saved on a shopping list. Never locked in, so you can change what you want on a month-month basis. This helps shoppers budget by not impulse buying and actually saving them money.There is no paperwork, inventory, or customer service. Amway Global takes care of all of that for you. There is a virtual office for IBO's. It is unbelievable! There they can keep track of all customer purchases and IBO's who join their business.You will need to learn how to use the internet in order to maximize your business. The only problem with that is your upline does not know how to market online. You will need to learn how the 7 figure internet marketers are able to have so much success. There are secrets to building a massive downline online and I can share them with you. The key to success in this business is the person who knows how to market best brings in the most new people. The person with the most new people at events builds the biggest team. The person, who builds the biggest team, makes the most money. It's not easy but it's simple.The question is Motorcycle Helmet how can you be the person who brings in the most new people and how do you learn how to market? Well you need to have a large center of influence and you need to know how to leverage the internet as stated before. On the internet you need to find a target market or you will be just wasting your time. Who is your target market? Other network marketers.You must understand when people are on the internet looking for an opportunity they will buy from people they like know and trust. In order to be all three you need to have a presence online, and have value to present. Your target market on the internet is actually other network marketers. They have already proven to spend money on the industry and most are struggling. You need to be able to provide a solution for them so that they can get out of lead poverty.Once a prospect sees you on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and they see that you have instructional videos and plenty of good quality content, they will begin to trust you. They will also feel like they know you because they will start following you if you are consistent. Now in order for them to like you, you will need to connect with them. With social networks, that can be conversations back and forth, but the best way is to have a lead capture form and have them in you lead list.This way you have an autoresponder following up with them for you. Now that you have their info you can also call them and provide the solution they need. There is a little more that goes Nail art with it but that would make this article entirely too long. Just click on the link in the article resource box for more info on leveraging the internet to become a Crown in Amway Global.

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